I'm so glad you stopped by if even for just a moment just to see what this is all about.
So let me jump right to it and tell you...As I make America my home again I have been struggling with the idea that my writing still needs a home but "My life in thai" just doesn't work anymore...because well, my life is no longer in Thailand. Over the years, I have found blogging to be such a cool tool that the Lord has used in my life and in the lives of everyone who journeyed along with me, and while my adventure has changed, I still feel like the Lord has given me words to speak and so I need a new home for that...so this is becoming my new space of the web.
Yes, it won't be about Thailand...except I can almost promise you it will come up a lot in my processing but it will be about what the Lord is teaching me in this season! I am excited to go on this adventure with you.
And that is what this is: the adventure to becoming and believing you are a beloved son or daughter of God. This is one of the biggest lessons the Lord keeps bringing back to me because honestly when I find myself completely secure in this truth...that I am beloved not because of the things I do or the things I don't do, but simply because of who He is...I am freed from everything else that hinders me!
So welcome to my new home belovedventure!