Monday Blues

It's a dreary monday morning here in Anderson, which makes for a perfect lazy day. All I want to do is cuddle up with a blanket and watch chick flicks...but of course its a workday! 

I am thankful that I have weekends where it makes monday hard. 

This weekend was one of those. My friend Brittany came to visit and we went downtown to the farmers market and hit up some shopping, not to mention a visit to Tupelo Honey. I am thankful to have Brittany in my life, she encourages me to pursue my dreams and she is doing the same. Not only did I have quality time with Brittany but our friend Jamie came to join us. Jamie is one where you know that you will always leave experience genuine conversations and that you will hear truth. Her boyfriend Bishop joined us later in the afternoon which resulted in hard core belly laughs and intense goofiness. Seriously, those two are a dynamic duo! 

Any way I thought I would share some of my favorite moments from the weekend that I snapped with my iphone. Below is one of my favorites.

stop and enjoy the music around you. breathe it in, embrace the beauty of life that surrounds you. 

2014-09-06 14.37.49-1.jpg

Yesterday was also an adventure. Meghan and I had a spontaneous run in with these kids parents where we volunteered to entertain them while their parents served Newspring by picking up parking cones in the pouring rain. We also had a friend take his next step last night and follow the Lord in getting baptized with about 2,000 other people across the state. 

Ps. you should go to chickfila today and grab a meal in honor of a great man, Truett Cathy, who's legacy will live on and challenge business owners to strive for excellence and glorify God in everything they do.