End of Summer Mini Sessions

Woah this weekend was a whirlwind of photography sessions and a wedding! It will be nice to get a break this week from the crazy so I can prepare to move to NC a week from today! I have set aside this week for senior sessions for my former students and fun! Seriously its going to be a great week. So here are the mini sessions from the past weekend! It was a hot hot hot weekend but these families came out to support me and my year next year and for that I am so grateful! Thank you to everyone who supported me in cdh through giving financially and through booking me for your photo sessions! I have some exciting news about all that later this week! But for now enjoy some of my favorites from the weekend of mini sessions!  

First meet Avery: The almost 2 year old who doesn't even let bubbles amuse her! She is a cutie but hates pictures, we got a few smiles out of her and those were priceless!