Rachel & Austin {Greenville, SC Proposal Photography}

Hey Friends,

You may be thinking, “Gosh I haven’t heard from you in a while, what have you been up to?”. Let me tell you…I’ve been here. I’ve been learning and resting and healing…all the things that I put off for far too long, all the things that have made life really really hard. I’ve taken a major step away from the social world and while my business has suffered a bit, it’s been the best thing for my heart and I am so thankful.

But I didn’t come to you today to write a deep theological post about what I have been learning, if you want to know I’d love to share with you individually, but for the masses….I’ll stick with the photos.

This weekend my friend Rachel got engaged and her sweet fiancé and our mutual friend (shout out to Jayla) asked me to be there to capture it all on camera. Duh I did not turn that down. I love a good proposal and luckily last minute for me, Austin had a great plan, including pictures of the spot! PTL! We made it happen.

I arrived to the spot we had discussed over coffee that morning and sure enough a sweet couple was cuddled up in their hammock enjoying the very spot that in moments Austin would ask Rachel to be his wife…so I put on my awkward confrontation pants and kindly asked them to switch hammock spots! (Good news they were awesome and recently engaged and gladly moved their hammocks!) With every thing in place…it was time and it went off without a hitch.

Austin gave Rachel a letter in the very spot that she first said she loved him and then got down on one knee and asked that very question…As expected, SHE SAID YES and we did a mini photoshoot to celebrate…Now what you have all been waiting for…the pictures! ENJOY!

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Madeline + Jackson {Williamston, SC Family Photography}


Sloan 6 Months {Family Photography Greenville, SC}