Personal: An update on my life

April 16th, 2013
Many people have been asking how my support raising is going for CDH, so I thought it was time to update you all. (Don't know what I'm talking about check out this post:(CDH) Its going…as of yesterday i have officially reached the $1,000 mark! This is huge and would not be possible with out the generous support of those I love. I still have $5,000 or so left to raise, and while that number seems overwhelming I have faith that the Lord will continue to be faithful as he has been up to this point. Its been crazy to see how the Lord is providing and how he has given me opportunities to work for my money!  Through my photography  business  I have pledged to  give 50% of all my photography bookings towards CDH. So if you have been debating on getting some pictures made, now is the time! Contact me if you would like to have a portrait session. (You can also give online through crossroads website just use this link create an account  and find my name Erin Spruell) I also ask that you most importantly join me in prayer about my support raising and the upcoming year. That the Lord would use it for his glory to mold me into the woman that he has created me to be and that I would be refreshed and encouraged as well challenged! I am excited about what the next chapter holds for me in the small town of Boiling Springs, NC where the Lord is moving in big ways!
An update on the rest of my life:
I have about 107 days left as an intern, but who’s counting? I find myself getting sentimental and I cannot even begin to fathom how hard it will be to say goodbye to my girls. But until then, we have so much going on! Right now I am leading a 4 week bible study for the middle school girls in which we are discussing the women of the bible that no one ever talks about! I find myself learning so much as i prepare and study for our weekly time together! This summer we will only have mission camp for the middle school and crossroads for the high school, that will leave the rest of the summer free to hangout with the girls, and i am ready for it just as much as our students are ready to get out of school! Before we know it it will be time for our seniors to graduate and all the graduation parties and then summer!!! Bring it on! Spring has sprung, but I am ready for the summer sun! 
Pray with me for our students to keep focus on running the race that is set for them, for the seniors who have had a hard time deciding where to go to school and for the juniors as they prepare to lead. Pray that my fellow intern, Josh, and I would stay focused on our tasks here as we are both planning on our future endeavors. Pray for Lee, as he is transitioning from 1 kid to 2 and all that comes with that and as he plans for the future of the ministry. Pray that the Lord would be glorified in and through our youth ministry and that we would seek out more ways to connect and reach our students! And of course after the events of yesterday lets remember the people in Boston those affected directly and indirectly. My heart is heavy and as we all wait for answers I pray that we would be able to find hope in the Lord and know that this is not our final home and that one day all the pain of this world will be replaced with worship in heaven for those who believe! 
John 14:1- “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me.”
Hebrews 6:18- “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure…”

Auburn, AL: The Last Roll


Mentor Session: Emma