Joel Wells { 1 Year Old}

Meet Joel Wells.  

He just turned one and is one of the happiest easy going babies I have ever known. This little guy is such a charmer. I love watching my friends Greg and Ashley be amazing parents who love this little one with all they have. Joel is lucky to have such fabulous parents and I am thankful to get to call them friends!  

Now, my summer has been quite the roller coaster. We just finished up 5 weeks of summer camp that we in CDH prepared for for the entire year. It was such a tiresome yet encouraging summer and it was a blast to serve alongside some of the best people I know. When Greg and Ashley asked me about doing Joel's pictures it was going to fall right in the middle of camp, so they made it happen and came to me at camp for these pictures. They could be some of my new favorites! 

Greg and Ashley congrats on keeping Joel alive for a little over a year now! :D Cant wait to see who he becomes years down the road!

Some of you may remember this little cutie from about a year ago when I did his newborn pictures. 

Now enjoy my favorites of this little man!