Year 3 | Calling All Prayer Warriors

Summer is over and the classrooms are almost decorated, the calendar is being filled, the new teachers are all settling in....and Its almost the first day of school!

I can't believe I am embarking on my 3rd year here. The past 2 years have been roller coasters of adventures, sadness, hope, loneliness, excitement and pain. They have been years that have shaped me and molded me into a refined woman of God. I have learned how to teach, how to love, how to speak a new language and how to forgive. I have missed home and seen places I never thought I would.

I am excited about this year. I am excited for the newness this year holds, for the hope I feel for this year, for the love of God to be more revealed in this place. Mark my words, this year is going to be the best yet and I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for me, our community, the students and this people! 

I ask you friends to join me in prayer this year. Will you commit to praying for Thailand once a month, once a week, every day? Many times I have felt the presence of you all, my people, back home praying for me, covering me in prayer. Just this week I was feeling overwhelmed with peace about the year only to find out my best friend had been specifically praying that over me...prayer works and I'm asking you to pray for me, for GES, for our students and community to come to know Jesus, for Thailand!

This journey is not always rainbows and butterflies and trips to Bali and this year I want to be real and upfront with you all and say I need you all, now more than ever! So will you commit to being a prayer warrior for me this year? If you want to join in, I will send out specific requests via email to you as often as you choose. (I can't always be transparent on my blog because I have many readers).

To sign up just fill out the form below!

Thank you in advance for partnering with me this year in this way, I am excited to see the power of your prayers and God's faithfulness like never before! 

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
— 2 Chronicles 7:14



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