God's Faithfulness Will Always Stand

The past month has been one of the hardest. Things have been pretty uncertain in my life lately. The things I was sure would be in place in moving back to America are falling apart. My hopes for this next season have changed. I no longer have any plans. I keep waiting for the bottom to fall out. If I'm being honest, I thought it would be easier moving home. I thought it would be more exciting than scary...but it's straight terrifying. I leave Thailand in 24 days and don't even know where I'll be living and I have no work...I'd be lying if I told you I was feeling good about it all.


But I've been praying my little heart out and one thing I do know for certain is that God is good and He is faithful. When he called Abraham to follow him he didn't say, "Go and leave your land, I'll make it easy and fun." It was actually pretty grim for awhile...but God was faithful in all of it. He saw it through. Abraham was obedient even when it wasn't easy, and just because it was hard didn't mean that it wasn't God's plan, in fact we know that it was most certainly God's plan. 


I know this is what God has called me to. Do I know why? No. I don't know what the future holds but I know that if God has called me to it he will bring me through it and I just have to walk with him through the muck because at the end of it all it will be good. Because that is God's character! He is good!


I keep finding myself feeling like I did when I left America for Thailand. Scared and uncertain of what was next. Not sure what God was going to do in my life. I had really hard days and really great days and everything in between in the past 3 years but one thing was constant...God was faithful in all of it.


I'm learning to believe that good things are coming even if it feels like the bottom is going to fall out. I'm learning to trust God when I have everything, and when I have nothing. I'm learning to replace my fear with the promise that God is faithful and his love casts out fear. I realize now, that we can't live waiting for the next twist or turn or the other shoe to drop, we have to steady our hearts and be brave and keep walking with Jesus through whatever he has put in our path, even when you can't see anything but Him! Because even if the bottom does fall out its still going to be ok, because God's faithfulness will always stand!


That's me right now. This is the real life of moving across oceans. I'm choosing to believe in God's faithfulness even in the uncertainty of life. I'm choosing to not let fear grip my heart any longer. I'm choosing to be brave!


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