A look back on 2017...


Its already New Year's Eve here in Thailand. I always love taking the time to dream and plan and set goals for the new year...I mean I think everyone does...at least we all start off with good intentions. But something I love more is reflection...looking back on where I've been seems to really set me up for where I am going! 

2017 was quite the year. I got to travel to the so many places like: London, Ireland, Scotland, Paris, San Francisco and Malaysia. I brought students home to America and they got to go to Crossroads Summer Camp. My best friend & little sister both got engaged, I started dating this really great guy!

I learned a lot about who I was, what drives me. I stood up for what I believed even when I was the only one standing. I got to share Jesus with friends. I took a lot of photos of people traveling through Bangkok. I got to share my life in Thailand with friends galore this year. I learned so much about grace, love, and hope.  

I have so much to be thankful for and as I look forward to 2018 I am so excited because I already have a lot to look forward to. I get to travel to New Zealand with some of my closest friends and Tucker, my best friend is getting married and I get to be there beside her, my little sister is also gonna get hitched. There will be a lot of changes, a lot of tough goodbyes, and a lot of tears cried, but even in that I know that 2018 is going to take me to places I'd never thought I'd go with people who I never thought I'd get to do life with again!

2018 is going to be the best year, I can just feel it! Here's to new beginnings and changes and all the love! 

Here are some highlights from 2017 in pictures! 


Trusting Jesus Is The Greatest Adventure


Five Thanksgivings Later...