A look back on 2017...
Its already New Year's Eve here in Thailand. I always love taking the time to dream and plan and set goals for the new year...I mean I think everyone does...at least we all start off with good intentions. But something I love more is reflection...looking back on where I've been seems to really set me up for where I am going!
2017 was quite the year. I got to travel to the so many places like: London, Ireland, Scotland, Paris, San Francisco and Malaysia. I brought students home to America and they got to go to Crossroads Summer Camp. My best friend & little sister both got engaged, I started dating this really great guy!
I learned a lot about who I was, what drives me. I stood up for what I believed even when I was the only one standing. I got to share Jesus with friends. I took a lot of photos of people traveling through Bangkok. I got to share my life in Thailand with friends galore this year. I learned so much about grace, love, and hope.
I have so much to be thankful for and as I look forward to 2018 I am so excited because I already have a lot to look forward to. I get to travel to New Zealand with some of my closest friends and Tucker, my best friend is getting married and I get to be there beside her, my little sister is also gonna get hitched. There will be a lot of changes, a lot of tough goodbyes, and a lot of tears cried, but even in that I know that 2018 is going to take me to places I'd never thought I'd go with people who I never thought I'd get to do life with again!
2018 is going to be the best year, I can just feel it! Here's to new beginnings and changes and all the love!
Here are some highlights from 2017 in pictures!